
Archive for the category “Uncategorized”

What’s going on?

Hello all, you may have noticed it’s been pretty quiet round here of late.
Basically I work full time, have a son and another one on the way. Any free time I do have, I now concentrate on making/promoting my own music (Long Distance Dan) which doesn’t leave much time for the blog.
I wish I had more time but as it is a labour of love I just cannot commit enough to it at this point in time. This isn’t a definite goodbye but more, let’s see what happens in the future.

I just want to say a massive thank you to all the great artists, promo companies, record labels who have supplied me with the fantastic music. And a huge thank you to everyone who has kept reading. Massive love to you all.

See you on the dark side of the moon!

Asbest The Moor King – Mind Of A Few

Brighton MC Asbest The Moor King releases his new album, “Mind of a Few”. The album is an interesting, refreshing slice of UK hip hop coming from left-field.
Asbest is an intelligent, versatile rapper who also produces 7 of the 12 tracks on offer here, the other 5 being produced by Leplezett. The list of guests on the album is like a who’s who of the weird side of UK hip hop, something we always like to hear. Alongside Asbest’s rhyming skills you have guests Invokal – Verbalist Journalist, James Reindeer, St Jude and more. Finishing off with a few nice instrumental tracks, this is an intelligent, entertaining album that keeps you guessing. This is just the kind of album that makes me say, we need more of this coming out of the UK hip hop scene!
Buy “Mind Of A Few” now on cassette and digital, do it!

Mongrels – Attack The Monolith

“Attack The MONGRELS_ATTACK_album_coverMonolith” has been years in the making, but it’s well worth the wait. Fans of Kid Acne’s previous work, this is the album you’ve always been waiting for. Taking Acne’s unique rhyming styles, mixing them with Benjamins lo-fi, crunchy old skool influenced beats, add New Kingdoms Sebash into the mix as a honorary Monrgel (he appear on 10 out of the 12 tracks here) and you are in for one hell of a bugged out hip hop ride!
There is an old skool feel to this album, but the Mongrels aren’t stuck in the past, nor would I call this weird or left-field as such. “Attack The Monolith” is the sound of two well versed b-boy’s who aren’t afraid to do things their own way, Kid Acne and Benjamin just out there doing their thing. I doubt they could sound different if they tried, the DIY, lo-fi, punk rock styles are ingrained in their DNA and it’s all the better for it. Kid Acne provides many a pop culture reference, giving mention to anything from Phantom of the Paradise and The Wicker to Lenny Henry’s Crucial FM, making you smile without sounding like a joke or coming off corny.
As well as Sebash, the album boasts guest spots from two of the UK finest, Juice Aleem appears on the gravelly head knodder “Man From Atlantis” and Strange U’s Lord Roa lays down knowledge on “You Dig Raps Pt.2” and “Underground Dwellers”.
The whole album is the perfect example of how to make killer music, not being concerned with what or how people say hip hop should sound, just doing things your own way, chucking it out there and seeing what happens. We need more albums like this out there, especially in the UK hip hop world. Definitely a contender for album of the year!
Digital is available from the 27/05/16 from iTunes and pre-order your vinyl copy HERE


Sorry for the lack of updates this year. Life has a habit of getting in the way, sadly this blog doesn’t pay me a wage and has to come second to work, family etc. However I am getting back on it as I love the music we present on these pages and I love promoting new, amazing music to people who may be unaware of its existence.
Please stick with us, even when it can be slow going. Thank you all for your love and support! And if anyone does want to help me turn this into a viable, money earning blog, drop me a line!


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Just a word to say thank you all for your support. Thanks to all the artists for making 2014 another fantastic year for music, thanks to you all for sending me music, thanks to the promotion teams and most of thank you to all the readers without you we are nothing.
2015 will be another great year full of new wonders and treats. Hold tight!

See you next year


We are back!

Yes we are now back!
I have sorted out the technical problems (bought a new laptop), now just have to fit updating the bog around a 7 week old boy. I’m sure it will be fine.
To kick things off I’m going to post a few things that we’ve missed since we’ve been away, no real explanation, just giving you the goods, that way we can get through more.
Once again thank you all for your patience and support.

My Apologies

Hello good people. I wanted to give you my massive apologies for the lack of new posts and content over the last month or so. This is mainly down to myself and my wife having our first amazing little child. Things kind of went out the window a little around the birth and we are still getting into our groove.
Also, as of last week my computer seems to have had enough and will no longer turn on. Hopefully this will be fixed soon and I can get back on it with new music, reviews, interviews, features etc. Thank you for your patience, keep your eyes peeled.
Thank you once again for your support,
Dan @ TheLeftHandSide

We are 1 year old!

hbYes people, on this very day, exactly one year ago we posted our first post! Since then we have had the pleasure of featuring many talented artists, hopefully helped promote lots of new music and had the pleasure of featuring some fantastic guests on our podcasts.
Thank you all for taking the time to check out our little blog, hopefully The Left Hand Side will go onto bigger and better things in the future. We truly appreciate everyone who reads our posts, sends us excellent music, makes excellent music, and has shown us any love over the past year.

Here’s to many more! Thank you everybody.

Quiet round here

I just wanted to let you know why it’s been and will be rather quiet round these parts of late. Last week I spent 6 days having an amazing time at Glastonbury festival, saw loads of great stuff and the weather was amazing! Was one of the best I’ve been to.
Now I’m back, there’s not relaxing as I’m getting married on saturday the 13th and will be away until the end of the month. So I won’t have a chance to update the blog for a while. There’s so much great music out there, I’ve got too much to put up, but it will all have to wait I’m afraid.
But have no fear, when I return I will be back on it big time!

See you soon

Happy Christmas Everybody

Hello party peoChristmas Cute Animalple. We just wanted to say a massive thanks to everyone who has been checking out TheLeftHandSide, listening to our podcasts, sending us fantastic music and just showing any interest in our blog.
Looking to next year, we having some very exciting guests lined up to present the podcast, loads of new music to talk about, and new moves with Dusted Industries. 2013 looks to be a good one.

So for now we wish you a very merry christmas and a happy new year!


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